Pets … A Love Story

Cuddle attack! This is for all you pet lovers. Our pets are part of our lives the same way that our kids are. We are the ones that will do some of the strangest things and think that it is totally normal. Talking to our pets – those who don’t have them look at us like we are nuts – for us totally normal. Getting holiday gifts for our pets – people are looking at us like ‘what are you doing’ – for us it is part of the life.

People who have pets, whether it is a horse, a cat, a dog or a mouse those animals play a vital role for us. They are the ones that will listen when we are down, remind us that we do have value by simply showing their love.

Now some people have told me that some animals shouldn’t be allowed to be a pet and there are some that are very dangerous to have as a pet. While I love cats and have had them for most of my life – I wouldn’t take a cougar as a house pet. There are reasons for this. Each animal type has a specific role to play in the eco system.

We have seen what happens when we take an animal to the near extinction point. We have done it with sharks, with some bears, some wolves and it throws that eco-system into total chaos.

When the fear of the “Great White Shark” came about partially due to the movie “Jaws” people felt that the “White Pointers” were to dangerous to keep in the ocean and when they went down in population – everything went to 9 points off natural. Our oceans became unhealthy. When we started to protect them and they started to come back our oceans got healthy.

Often the thing that scares us the most are the apex predators. They are at the top of the food chain. Without those animals we end up with some other animals will get out of control. This can cause the balance to be lost and we end up in a bigger problem.

Now we need to understand that things are here for a reason. The reason for the rattle snake – helps keep mice and other rodents under control. By doing that they are preventing the mice and other rodents from getting the fleas that cause “The Black Death” and killing many of the people. The reason that we have the cats, to help keep the rodents and the weaker of the birds under control. The reason that is needed is so there isn’t an explosion of animals that are ill.

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